As we approach the Memorial Day Weekend, the symbolic start of summer and the traditional weekend to plant your summer garden plants such as tomatoes and peppers, I would like to share with you what is in my 2012 Heirloom Garden.
Tips for growing heirloom vegetables
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I have already harvested a bushel of spinach as well as a few onions and leeks that overwintered from last season. Additionally my chives and sage are in full bloom, here is a photo of some of the flowers I picked:
I planted the following from seed in March and the plants are coming along nicely and I am looking forward to a bountiful harvest.
The following plants I purchased at the Southside Community Land Trusts 20th Annual Rare and Unusual Plant Sale, to learn more about this great organization, click here.
Tips for growing heirloom vegetables
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I have already harvested a bushel of spinach as well as a few onions and leeks that overwintered from last season. Additionally my chives and sage are in full bloom, here is a photo of some of the flowers I picked:
I planted the following from seed in March and the plants are coming along nicely and I am looking forward to a bountiful harvest.
- Thomas Laxton Peas (Heirloom)
- Triumph De Farcy Garden Bean (Heirloom)
- Touchon Carrots (Heirloom)
- Short'n Sweet Carrots (Heirloom)
- Waltham 29 Broccoli
- Melody Hybrid Spinach
- Detroit King Beets
- Evergreen Long White Bunching Scallions
- Golden Grande Onions
The following plants I purchased at the Southside Community Land Trusts 20th Annual Rare and Unusual Plant Sale, to learn more about this great organization, click here.
- Mr. Stripey Tomato (Heirloom)
- Beefsteak Tomato (Heirloom)
- Golden Jubilee Tomato (Heirloom)
- Brandywine Tomato (Heirloom)
- Pruden's Purple Tomato (Heirloom)
- Banana Legs Tomato (Heirloom)
- Delicious Tomato (Heirloom)
- Hot Banana Pepper
- Chocolate Sweet Pepper (Heirloom)
- Sweet Banana Pepper (Heirloom)
- Golden California Wonder Pepper (Heirloom)
- Poona Kheera Cucumber (Heirloom)
- Sour Gherkin Cucumber
- Suhyo Long Cucumber
- Black Beauty Zucchini
Enjoy the summer and what bounty your garden my bring you.
Until I Blog Again: Eat well, Live Life and Be Safe
Until I Blog Again: Eat well, Live Life and Be Safe